Travel Agents Have My Respect

Alright it isn’t Monday but we will go with Mystery Monday none the less. And today the mystery is answered with… drum roll please…. travel planning! Yay! So I know I have mentioned a few times that my husband and I plan on going to Scotland in just a few months! I can hardly contain my excitement!! Of course this means that I need to plan the vacation. Funny thing is, I really have no passion for travel planning. Weird right? All my family think it is weird. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “Well you are a planner this should be no problem.” Um no, not accurate. Maybe I will go easier on my brother (an industrial designer) when he tells me that illustrating a children’s book is not the same thing as the work he does.
Still! I’ve finally advanced in my travel planning! Thanks to a friend on a forum I located a website called Secret Scotland and have bought an itinerary for the trip! This type of Travel Planning I can deal with! All that is left for me to do is go through the 100+ pages of the plans they provided for a small fee and choose what day trips my husband and I would enjoy doing. They even have a list of sleeping accommodations that we can go through to pick what will be the best fit for us!
So great big thank you to Secret Scotland. I will keep yu readers posted as to how the vacation progresses. And all my respect to you travel agents out there. It’s definitely not something I could easily do.

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